Royal London Reading

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The Royal London is a leading, internationally renowned teaching hospital based in east London.

Royal London Hospital offer a full range of local and specialist services, and boasts of the largest Trauma centres in the UK

Royal London sees a lot of young people through the doors, and one nurse Lucie Emery wants to make a change.

“Coming from France I had no idea how the system was broken for kids in need in London, and working in trauma just opened my eyes on it. And knowing well that I can’t change the system, but trying to make changes on a small scale feels like steps in the right direction. Like volunteering for projects, or trying to make the inpatient experience a safe place for kids/young adults in trauma, so they feel they can open up if they want to, and ask for help and support. And maybe give them access to things they don’t have at home (that’s where the books idea come in as well). Also I’m actively working on violence and aggression reduction, so the wellness room would play a major part in keeping patients busy, entertained, and also active during their admission, instead of just lying in bed or scrolling on their phone which can lead to frustration and we all know what happens when people get bored and frustrated.”

Follow Lucie to find out a bit more about her and the projects she is hoping to run.

We will be aiding Lucie in Royal London to curate a bookcase in the wellness room for young adults and adults alike. We aim to stock the bookcase with new titles, Children’s books, non-fiction and fiction, development books and comics. We will be using the books that you our community have so graciously donated for redistribution.

If you wish to donate for this project please fill out the form here.

Thank you

~Lucie Emery , Nurse at Royal London Hospital, who is out to make a change.

~Lucie Emery , Nurse at Royal London Hospital, who is out to make a change.


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